Eternal Effervescence 

With special dedication to the teachers who insist on spreading inspiration and teaching aspiration…

Inside each one of you-

there is a flame. Its crimson color encompasses everything; your duties and your responsibilities as teachers. It is the essence of what we become because-

Ignorance is a pitch-black darkness that only cowers in the face of the light your flames emit.

Your lights strike us from the front and while we don’t see the shadows of our potential looming behind us, you can.

Most lights flicker and most flames are unstable and that may be the case even with you sometimes but perhaps that is because you are blind to your own light.

However, there are the ones who have been cursed and blessed simultaneously; they are the ones who know of their flames.

They are the ones whose effervescence is a blaring brightness and God- how that brightness brings the whole world to clarity.

To the ones of you whose flame is a fire and to those of you who when faced with the petrifying responsibility of keeping the darkness at bay are burnt by your very own powers;

Years and years from now, perhaps when there come more shivering bodies in the cold darkness of a new ignorance, one of us will still be carrying your flames.

To all those of you wear your kindness in all its colors, you who more than anything, taught us that kindness isn’t always smiling or praising, but even reprimanding;

You have earned our respect. You have forged the unbreakable within us.

And finally,

To those of you who’ve embraced their fires; who’ve been coddled by the crimson until they’ve found a way to wear the flames in their eyes and let them burn with passion;

Know that the universe doesn’t seem so cold anymore, not with your warm faithful gazes- not with them pointed at us.